
seed sitters

It’s Seed Sitting Season!

Letters were sent out this fall for the Seed Sitters Club, containing the seeds of five species for this year. Then Samuel donated 24 species to the Club, from the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library. Whether you were part of this first batch of “Seed Sitters” or not, now is a great time to start your planting for the winter! Our Communications Coordinator Samuel LeGresley, who conducted a webinar this fall (in French) on winter sowing, is excited for the sowing season. He talks to us about his current projects with the Club, and for the near future.

The Seed Sitters — Swamp Milkweed Grow-Along Chapter 4

Last time in Chapter 3, we tried Alysha’s hack for germinating Milkweed in less time, and now there’s a video on YouTube explaining the process.

Now that our Milkweed has germinated, let’s look at the next steps. And for the occasion, we have a special announcement to make. Say hello to the Seed Sitters Club!

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