Get Outside! NB

Get Outside! NB is a partnership between Nature NB, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society New Brunswick (CPAWS NB), NB Parks/Parcs N.-B. and the The Nature Trust of New Brunswick. We want to connect more people to New Brunswick’s nature, using our provincial parks to show you where to go for fun outdoor experiences. Throughout the summer, Park Nature Leaders run free, family friendly activities in provincial parks across the province for everyone to enjoy.
Great Minds Think Outside

Great Minds Think Outside is a hands-on, curriculum-linked, outdoor professional development program that will give teachers and educators the skills, tools, and resources they need to teach their students outside – whatever the subject matter!
This program is the first of its kind in New Brunswick, and is designed to fit your work environment. Rather than asking individual educators to travel to workshops (which can be difficult), this program brings training to educators wherever they are, at times that are convenient for them! By offering workshops to educators in their daily work environment, educators learn to see the possibilities of teaching outside in their own schoolyards.

Naturehood is a partnership between Nature NB and Nature Canada. Through our efforts, we strive to work with schools across New Brunswick, working to educate young minds in urban areas. Its goal is connecting people of all ages to nature right where they live — which, in Canada, increasingly means urban centres. NatureHood inspires urban residents to connect with nature through celebratory events, educational and stewardship activities and events, and wildlife observation, all set in urban green spaces and Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA). Through strong partnerships with grassroots naturalist clubs and allies across Canada, NatureHood promotes nature awareness at the local level and exposes a new generation of nature lovers, naturalists and citizen scientists to nature all around them.
Protecting migratory birds

Nature NB and the Saint John Naturalists’ Club are working together to conserve migratory birds in southern New Brunswick.
For over 20 years, the Saint John Naturalists’ Club has been studying bird migration through two main programs: the Point Lepreau Bird Observatory and the Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch. These programs collect information about seabird and raptor migration through the Bay of Fundy, and are the only sources for this data in Atlantic Canada. Support from the Environmental Damages Fund is allowing Nature NB and the Saint John Naturalists’ Club to collect more comprehensive data on migratory birds and to contribute to better management and protection of migrating species.
Point Lepreau Bird Observatory

The Point Lepreau Bird Observatory, located at the tip of a finger of land that extends into the Bay of Fundy, collects information about seabird migration each spring and fall. A dedicated team of volunteers observe, identify, and document each of the thousands of birds that pass through the Bay of Fundy on their migrations. Over time, this information tells us an intricate story about the movements of birds that helps us to understand and protect them when they are most vulnerable. The observatory shares its annual data collections with federal officials to directly impact the management and protection of seabirds.
For more information:
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch

Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch, located on Greenlaw Mountain near Saint Andrews, collects information about the migratory patterns of hawks and other raptors during the fall migration season. A dedicated hawk counter and several volunteers identify and count migrating hawks and track changes in their populations. This information is shared internationally with government officials and other decision-makers who can use the information to help protect migration pathways along the Fundy coast.
For more information:
Maritime Natural Infrastructure Collaborative

Since 2016, Nature NB has coordinated the Maritime Natural Infrastructure Collaborative, a group of organizations from across the Maritimes who are working to incorporate nature’s services into climate change and land-use planning. For example, healthy forests and wetlands can help to filter our drinking water, anchor sediment, and protect our communities from flooding.The Collaborative works to develop tools and educate decision-makers about the importance of protecting and restoring natural systems that can help reduce flood risk, erosion, and other climate-related threats. This work has been supposed by the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund and Environment and Climate Change Canada.
For more information on the Collaborative and our work please visit