
Our Nature Clubs

Nature NB supports a community of more than a dozen nature clubs across the province. Clubs meet regularly to discover and learn about nature together.

See details below for clubs in your region.

Chignecto Naturalists Club

Meetings: Sackville Commons Co-op, 7:30pm, 3rd Monday of the month, September through June
President: Pam Novak
Club Contact: Andrew Mcfarlane

Club des Ami(e)s de la Nature du Sud-Est

Les réunions: le premier mardi du mois, à 19h00, le Pavillon Rotary à Dieppe (janvier, mars, mai, septembre et novembre) et le Centre multifonctionnel à Shediac (février, avril, juin, octobre et décembre).
Présidente: Raymonde Chartier
Contact: ami.e.snature@gmail.com
Site web: https://sites.google.com/site/lesamiesdelanature/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Les-amies-de-la-nature-du-sud-est-du-nb-inc/264217033601803

Club de Naturalistes de la Péninsule acadienne

Les réunions: tous les premiers mercredi du mois de septembre à juin à 19h au Centre communautaire de Landry à Landry.
Site web: http://www.clubcnpa.ca/

Club d’ornithologie du Madawaska

Les réunions: Musée historique du Madawaska (195 boulevard Hébert, Edmundston) à 19h le deuxième mardi de chaque mois, de septembre à juin
Site web: Club d’ornithologie du Madawaska Ltée (tourismedmundston.com)

Fredericton Nature Club

Meetings: Stepping Stone Centre (15 Saunders St, Fredericton) at 6:30pm on the first Thursday of the month, October through April.
President: Tony Diamond
Club contact: André Vietinghoff
Website: www.frederictonnatureclub.com

Hampton Nature Club

Meetings: St. Paul’S Church (486 Kennebecasis River Road, Hampton) on the first Tuesday of the month, September through June.
Contact: hamptonnatureclub@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/216188408786252/

Jacquet River Nature Club

Meetings: The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #77 (3843 Main Street ,Belledune) at 7:00pm on the fourth Monday of the month, September through June.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1607807445918641/

Nature Miramichi

Meetings: Senior Citizen’s Centre (Sutton Road, Nelson-Miramichi) at 6:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month, September through June.
President: Peter Gadd
Vice-president: Mathieu Carroll
Website: https://miramichinaturalistclub.com

Nature Moncton

Meetings: Mapleton Park Rotary Lodge, every third Tuesday of the month, September through June.
President: Fred Richards
Website: www.naturemoncton.com

Nature Sussex

Meetings: St. Mark’s Anglican Church Hall, in Sussex Corner, at 7:00pm on the fourth Monday of the month.
President: Gart Bishop
Website: http://www.naturesussex.ca/

Restigouche Nature Club

Meetings: Campbellton Campbellton Centennial Library (19 Aberdeen Street) at 6:30pm, the second Thursday of the month, September through June.
President: Jolène Dubé

Saint John Naturalists Club

Meetings: Zoom meeting at 7:00pm on the third Thursday of each month, September through May
Vice-President: Anne Driscoll
Club contact: Hank Scarth
Email: info@saintjohnnaturalistsclub.org
Website: www.saintjohnnaturalistsclub.org

St. Andrews Nature Club

Meetings: Third Thursday of the month (except July & August), 7 PM at Huntsman Marine Science Centre Auditorium (1 Lower Campus Rd, E5B 2L7)
President: Todd Watts ( -2023)
Vice-President: Sharon McGladdery (2023-2025)
Contact: Jenny Cook (2023-2025)
Email: sanc.information@gmail.com
Facebook: facebook.com/naturestandrews
Website: stanature.ca
Last updated: 2023

NB Botany Club

President: David Mazerolle
Club contact: nbbotanists@gmail.com
Website: nbbotanyclub.wordpress.com


President: Jessika Gauvin
Website: https://myconb.org/

Club Initiation Guide

Already part of an established nature club in New Brunswick? You can join our network!

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