Milkweed Seeds for Monarchs

By growing food sources for monarch butterflies (flower nectar) and caterpillars (milkweed), you can help declining populations of monarchs while enjoying a beautiful and iconic visitor to your garden.
Milkweed plants are an essential part of a monarch-friendly garden since monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on milkweed plants. There are two native milkweed plants in New Brunswick: Common Milkweed and Swamp Milkweed

This Milkweed species is for larger areas where spreading plants are less of a concern. As it spreads by the rhizomes (roots), it can colonize an area quickly.

If you want something more well-behaved in a small garden, this Milkweed will stay where you plant it. The leaves are narrower and the flower is a brighter shade of pink.
By signing up to receive milkweed seeds, you are taking action to help this endangered species. Thank you!
Get Your Seeds!
Swamp Milkweed seeds are available on a pay-what-you-can basis, with donations supporting the harvesting, packaging, and mailing of milkweed seeds to people across New Brunswick. One donation gets you one pack of seeds, but you can “register additional participants” to receive multiple packs. Please note that due to a high volume of demand, it may take 4 to 8 weeks (or more) for seeds to be sent out.
*For Common Milkweed seeds, contact Nature NB directly at