
Nature NB Renames Annual Award in Memory of Roger Leblanc

Nature NB’s annual award that recognizes a naturalist at our AGM has been renamed. The Roger Leblanc Memorial Naturalist of the Year Award will now not only recognize the accomplishments of our members from year-to-year, but will also serve to preserve the legacy of avid birder and long-time supporter of Nature NB, Roger Leblanc, who passed away in June 2023. The previous title of this award was simply Naturalist of the Year.

Roger volunteered in many aspects of Nature NB’s work, including working with youth, participating in the Christmas Bird Count and other surveys, providing translation services for our magazine NB Naturalist, leading birding trips at the Festival of Nature, serving on our board, and so much more. He was also actively involved with the clubs Les ami(e)s de la nature du sud-est du N.-B. and Nature Moncton, making him a cherished friend and mentor of many in the province’s naturalist community.

Nominations are now open for the 2024 award. Clubs and members are encouraged to nominate fellow members from now until April 30, 2024. The award will be presented at our AGM on June 7, 2024 in Woodstock, NB. For full details and the nomination form, visit our website: https://www.naturenb.ca/naturalist-of-the-year/ 

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