Protecting Beaches for Plovers
AUGUST 19, 2019 — Our Coastal Guardians program works hard to protect Piping Plovers in the Acadian Peninsula.
One of the things we do to protect them – that you can do too – is cleaning up the trash on our beaches.
Photo: Lewnanny Richardson
In recent weeks, we have cleaned up important nesting dunes for Piping Plovers in the Acadian Peninsula. We have already collected more than 800 pounds of trash and we plan to continue cleaning up beaches until the end of August.
Photo: Lewnanny Richardson
In a few weeks, we will update you with the amount of trash we collected in total this year. We expect to break a record: 2019 will be the year we removed the most garbage from our beaches.
Photo: Lewnanny Richardson
Unfortunately, thousands of pounds (or even tons) of waste are still washed up all over the beaches of NB. We all need to get to work to ensure Piping Plovers can have a debris-free habitat.