
Tuesday March 13, 2017
SUB 303, Student Union Building, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Purpose of our workshops on forested wetlands:
To establish a network for monitoring, management and conservation of forested wetlands
Specific objectives for this workshop:

  • to facilitate interaction among researchers and partners;
  • to compile and to start to synthesize our results on forested wetlands research;
  • to assess the needs of supporters and partners.

* Coffee breaks and lunch on your own, food vendors and coffee in the same building
9:30 Introductions (everyone)
9:40 Overview of the 3-year AEI-funded forested wetlands project (Karen Harper)
9:50 Forested wetlands research in 2017 (vegetation patterns, ecosystem classification)
Vegetation patterns (Karen Harper, Natasha Dazé Querry)
Treed bog community structure (Joy (Ruoqian) Wang)
Structure, patterns and composition of the shrub layers (Mandy Mitton)
Variation across forested wetland vegetation types (Nick Belliveau)
Ecosystem classification and hydrology (John Brazner)
10:50 Discussion (led by Karen Harper)
11:05 Coffee break
11:20 Forested wetlands research in 2017 (lichens, mycorrhizae, soil)
Macrolichens in Newfoundland (Tegan Padgett)
Lichens, edges and acid rain (Sean Haughian)
Mycorrhizal colonization (Amanda Griffin)
Soil and carbon (Rachel Kendall)
12:10 Discussion (led by Karen Harper)
12:25 Forested wetlands research in 2017 (birds, habitat)
Overview of the landbirds at risk project (Cindy Staicer)
Canada warbler response to playback (Clare Snow)
Landbirds at risk stewardship project (Suchinta Arif)
1:00 Lunch break
2:00 Forested wetlands research in 2017 (birds, habitat cont.)
Point count results (Erika Nissen)
Landbirds at risk habitat in Nova Scotia (Cindy Staicer)
Charcterizing forest habitat of threatened birds in PEI (Julie Zahavich)
Forested wetland bird monitoring (Laura Tranquilla)
Breeding birds as indicators of wetland type and condition (John Brazner)
3:00 Discussion (led by Cindy Staicer)
3:15 Opportunity for other attendees to share their forested wetlands research and other
activities, findings and future plans
3:45 Coffee break
4:00 Integration and collaboration, management and conservation implications
4:30 Wrap-up
6:00 Dinner at a local restaurant (optional and at own expense)

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