
Over 300 bird species call New Brunswick home. Whether they migrate, nest, or breed here, these birds rely on a variety of areas throughout the province. In 2011, Nature NB became the coordinator of the New Brunswick Important Bird & Biodiversity Area (IBA) program. IBAs are scientifically designated sites that support large congregations of bird species and/or rare and endangered species. While IBAs provide critical habitat for birds, they are not protected.

Nature NB relies on volunteer Caretakers to help monitor, protect, and educate others about IBAs. IBAs can be found all across the province from Grand Manan to Dorchester Cape to Miscou Island. They range in size and location depending on what species rely on them most.

Continue reading below to find an IBA near you and to learn how to become a caretaker!

Where are IBAs?

How can I help?

1. Become a caretaker

Do you enjoy birdwatching or spending time outdoors? As a Volunteer Caretaker you can make a difference by helping us monitor what birds are using IBAs, participating in IBA events, and educating others about the importance of these areas. Let us know where you live and how you would like to volunteer by contacting us at info@naturenb.ca.

2. Submit observations to eBird

Visiting an IBA to do some birdwatching? Anyone can submit bird sightings through eBird! To get started visit www.ebird.ca or download the mobile app!

For information on the reporting protocol for IBAs visit: https://www.ibacanada.org/documents/eBird_IBA_protocol.pdf

The Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas program is an international program managed by Birdlife International, and in Canada by Nature Canada and Bird Studies Canada.

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